Apr 22nd 2019

How We, at Packserve, Acheive the Highest Quality Results Each Time

At Packserve we focus on acheiving specific set standards for each of the features and machines which we install, right from when we first begin designing your production line.  Our experts listen and analyse the outcome which you would like to achieve, as well as any suggestions you may have to reaching this outcome.  We then take time and consider the cost, efficiency, speed, and how we can cause minimal distruption to your existing production line, and use this information to draw up a specification.  We work closely with three well established companies, J+P, Heartness, and E2M, ensuring that we create a seamless production line, each and every time.

How we Utilise J+P End of Line Packaging Machinery

J+P are a German based engineering company who create bespoke end of line packaging machines.  J+P provide a wide variation of end of line packaging machines which allows us to tailor the production line to meet your specifications exactly. The three types of end of line packaging machines which J+P supply are:

  • COMPACT END OF LINE PACKAGING MACHINE KWH-T/-W – packs single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in trays or wrap-around cases using single or 2-track pocket conveyors.
  • COMPACT END OF LINE PACKAGING MACHINE KWH-TD/-DT – acks single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in trays either with an external lid (TD) or an internal lid (DT) using Single and 2-track pocket conveyors
  • COMPACT END OF LINE PACKAGING MACHINE KWH-AC – acks single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in classic folding boxes (American case) using single and 2- track pocket conveyors.

How we Utilise Hartness Accumulation Systems

Hartness are an engineering company based in America and they supply DYNAC accumulation systems.  The accumulation systems which we provide through Hartness dynamically control the upstream and downstream of products in a pressureless environment. Hartness have created DYNAC accumualtion systems which is  a simple yet intellignet piece of machienry, which is able to constantly monitor line conditions and act as a buffer if there is a fault or disruption on the production line. This reduces the damage to products and also allows additional time for the fault on the line to be corrected, without the worry of wasting products. What makes DYNAC accumulation systems unique is their ability to expand, only when they are needed, reducing the chance of excessive line pressure and gaps in the product flow after a stop which traditional accumulation systems may cause.

How we Utilise E2M Artificial Vision Systems

E2m provide a variety of articial vison systems for orienting, inspecting and rejecting products along the line. E2M always aim to create innovative machinery which is constantly improving the accuracy of production lines. They have created 11 inspection systems, 4 orientation systems, and 3 rejection systems.  Each of these systems uses top of the range lazers and artificial vision to detect a range of features or faults. This wide range of machiery makes it very easy for us to install their systems into your production line to maximise the efficiency and accuracy of it, no matter what your specifictions may be.



Some of the clients we work with...