J+P is a Dresden based company which specialises in creating end of line packaging machinery. Due to the long and successful tradition of Dresden in the packing machine design, J+P focus on developing new ideas from the tried and proven existing technology. This has resulted in them producing up to daate machinery which is able to compete with the ever changing pressures of the different industries. Currently, J+P focus on providing innovative solutions for the food packaging industry and as aresult are this, are constantly developing machinery which is able to handle new, more complex packaging. The name “J+P” stands for Jensen and partners where partners includes their employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners. This is one of the main reasons why we choose to provide their products to our customers; because they care about providing the correct machinery to those that they work with and supply to.
J+P have created case filling machines for both horizontal product presentation, vertical product presentation, and both horizontal and vertical product presentation. Each of these machines comes wit different variations, allowing you to have even more control over how your products are handlled. The machinery uses a combination of the gravity principle to maneuvure produts and delta pickers which use accurate pick up positions. Each of the machines J+P create have the option to carry out format changes quickly and without tools by means of the “J+P-simple-quick-change”.
J+P have created three variations of end of line packaging machines; compact end of line packaging machine KWH-T/ -W, compact end of line packaging machine KWH-TD/ -DT, and compact end of line packaging machine KWH- AC. The compact end of line packaging machine of type KWH-T or -W packs single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in trays or wrap-around cases whereas the compact end of line packaging machine Model KWH-TD or -DT packs single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in trays either with an external lid (TD) or an internal lid (DT). The compact end of line packaging machine Model KWH-AC packs single products (bags, boxes, blister packs or other) in classic folding boxes (American case).
Both the Trayformer TF, and the Lid Applying Machine TFW have the same machine basis and work through folding and gluing packaging in specific places. The trays and lids are erected from a flat blank and are then glued and the machinery can be easily adapted to work well with new packaging designs, making it ideal for keeping up with the fast changes within industries.
J+P create a wide range of different types of machinery to suit your needs. To find out more information or for details on how we can put together and supply your ideal line, contact us today.